
About AMIGRAR Immigration Consulting

AMIGRAR Immigration Consulting does not have any agents or representatives anywhere! AMIGRAR does not recruit and do not offer hiring services. AMIGRAR doesn’t work with recruiters! Please call the authorities to report any suspicious offer in which you have to pay for a job opportunity in Canada. Contact us only for immigration services which are always carried out according to Canadian regulations. Contact us only through: [email protected] or Telephone/WhatsApp +1 437 263 5983 any other number or email is not from AMIGRAR.

Call us to find out how we can advise you related to legal immigration or regularization in Canada. We are licensed and authorized to practice immigration in Canada and represent refugee applicants before the IRB or appeals before RAD or IAD, however AMIGRAR only advise and represent refugee applicants in Canada if their case have merits, and if they do not qualify for free legal assistance (Legal Aid).

We make applications to LMIA that always have to be paid by the employer!!!

We offer professional advice on visa processes, extensions or visitor records, restoration of immigration status, work and study permits, family reunification or sponsorship, and various applications for permanent residence including applications for humanitarian and compassionate reasons.


Luis, our director is an active member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants – CICC, an entity that governs and controls immigration consultants in Canada. Luis’ experience comes in addition to his own experience as a refugee and mainly from his past work experience in Toronto, Ontario Canada, as a community worker with more than 9 years working in the settlement for migrants and refugees (Settlement and Employment Counsellor), and 5 years as coordinator of a program against human trafficking (counter-labor trafficking), including the coordination from October 2017 to April 2022 of the TCHTN – Toronto Counter Human Trafficking network.