Programa de Movilidad Internacional

Contacta con AMIGRAR y un profesional te proporcionará la información adecuada, el tiempo de procesamiento, las tarifas y los requisitos necesarios. Te asesoraremos sobre cómo cumplir con las condiciones y obligaciones, también te brindaremos apoyo a ti y a tu familia para llenar y presentar correctamente tu solicitud.

The international Mobility Program allows employers to hire or bring TFW – Temporary Foreign Workers to Canada, who are exempt from LMIA – Labour Market Impact Assessment.

In most of the cases, the employer has to submit a job offer through an Employer Portal and must pay an employer compliance fee ($230 CND)… Sometimes the employers are exempt of this fee, depending on the worker situation! For instance, if the worker holds an O-WP, Non-Trade international agreements, reciprocal employment (cultural exchange agreements), work related to research programs, charitable or religious work (with no salary but stipend for living expenses, or non-monetary benefits.

There are employer responsibilities to be met, plus allow government inspections. Possible penalties to the employers who does not comply with the requirements and workers protection.

Please contact AMIGRAR to get to know about policy, procedures, and guidance to apply for IMP including details of the job offer, list of duties, the minimum education requirement, experience required, plus wages and benefits. Book a consultation with an immigration specialist from AMIGRAR

Workers eligible for the IMP International Mobility Program

Book a consultation with AMIGRAR to explore possible WORK PERMIT options under Canada currently Trade Agreements with a number of countries such as Chile, Perú, Colombia, Panamá, and several other countries in the Asia-Pacific such as Australia, Brunei, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Vietnam among others.